This guest post program was developed exclusively for specialists who want to publish one or more articles on our blog. Do you want to make your idea known? We’d be delighted to welcome you.

We make every effort to publish a broad range of perspectives on the most important topics in the worlds of small business, passive income, personal finance, investment, finance, making money online, entrepreneurship, and cryptocurrencies.

Our Rules and Regulations

Please thoroughly read these rules before sending your content for publication. You affirm your agreement to these rules by sending your guest post for consideration.

  • Articles should be a minimum of 600 words and contain unique content.
  • Articles should only contain important backlinks
  • The post should be relevant to passive income, businesses, personal finance, making money online, business ideas, investments, and entrepreneurs.
  • Please submit your articles only in Word or Google Docs format. 
  • By submitting the post, you grant us permission to make any minor changes necessary to maintain editorial standards, as well as to include any additional relevant internal links.
  • Submitted and approved posts should not be posted somewhere else earlier than 30 days after approval.

Guest Post Submission Process

Steps on how to submit your guest post:

  1. Email with the list of your proposed topics you’d want to write about (minimum of 2 topics).
  2. We’ll go over the topics and revert to you with our preferred pick(s) — We should respond in less than 72 hours.
  3. You can send us your written article on the accepted topic for publication.
  4. We will send you the URL to the published article once it has been published.

Frequently Asked Questions

What topics do you allow?

We’re seeking ideas from you about what you believe our readers would be interested in! As an expert in your field, we urge you to share your thoughts and profound information with our audience in order to help them establish their own businesses in Finance and Business ideas

Does submitting mean automatic approval? And a guarantee to get published?

We intend to publish as many quality articles as possible, but we cannot promise that your guest post will be published due to many factors.

We maintain the right to decline to publish any submitted post that does not match our rules or for any other reason; but, if you carefully follow our guidelines, you considerably increase the likelihood that it will be published.